Sunday, February 23, 2014

He said, said he

Said he: I'm reading an old book that bothers me. In every bit of dialogue, the writer uses said Tom or said Helen or said Mom.

"We're doing OK," said Tom. "I knew we would," said Helen. "But I worry enough for all of us," said Mom.

It's a small distinction, but I like Tom said or Helen said or Mom said. It's tough to read a book with something small like that irritating you.

Oh, one other thing: The writer keeps writing postoffice. I prefer post office.

More editing from the same book:

"Of course you did," said Mrs. Blair. "It was dangerous but I'm proud of you Helen."

Here's an edit:

"Of course you did," Mrs. Blair said. "It was dangerous, but I'm proud of you, Helen."

Links: On my web siteI have links to some of my stories online.

Editorial group: If you're a freelance writer or editor, you might check out my Freelance Writers and Editors group on Yahoo! We're really active, and I think we've become useful to each other.

Writers' guidelines: If you want to write for magazines (or book publishers), check out the writers' guidelines on my Freelance Writers and Editors group on Yahoo!

Check it out: You might look at Funds for Writers, which specializes in grants for writers.

Contact: Reach me at or

Anecdotes by Tom Gillispie

Entries from The Dog Blog

Blog entries from The Auto Racing Journal
(a book of great stories about the Intimidator)
(the book of great NASCAR stories)

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