Friday, July 21, 2017

Whom you believe

FOUND ONLINE: It depends on whom you believe.

Who you believe works well here.

ALSO FOUND ONLINE: Everybody expects the New York Jets to hold the #1 pick at seasons' end.

It's season's end, not seasons' end. It's just one season.

The writer did it again here: The old former coach knows the key to his franchises’ future is at quarterback.

Yes, it's franchise's future; it's just one franchise.

FOUND ON FACEBOOK: family's in Wake County.

Obviously, it's families in Wake County.



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Thursday, July 20, 2017

Football if often

FOUND ONLINE: By its nature, football if often a war of attrition and coaches have turned the next-man-up mentality into a cliché but creating problems that didn’t really need to exist is in an entirely different category.

This sentence/paragraph is a mess. I think the writer meant "football is" rather than "football if," and there should be a comma after attrition. I'd put a period after cliche and start a new sentence, and I'd cut the last part of that sentence

By its nature, football is often a war of attrition, and coaches have turned the next-man-up mentality into a cliche. But they create problems that didn’t really need to exist.

FROM ANOTHER STORY: Howard has a lot of prove this upcoming season. 

This writer did the same thing the above writer did; he/she used the wrong word. Obviously, he/she means to, not of.


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