Sunday, March 18, 2012

After the event

Found online: “These guys worked so hard on this car this offseason and we knew it was going to be fast, we just didn’t know it was going to be this fast,” said Bassett in victory lane following the event.

What's the difference between that and this:

“These guys worked so hard on this car this offseason and we knew it was going to be fast, we just didn’t know it was going to be this fast,” Bassett said in victory lane.

You don't need "following the event." He wouldn't have said it before or during the race. It had to be afterward.

Also, I don't look at a race as an event. It's a race. Woodstock was an event.

Finally, I would have written "Bassett said in victory lane." "Said Bassett" doesn't sound right to my ear.

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