Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Over the course

THIS IS WORDY AND REDUNDANT: Why redundant? You have back-to-back sentences with "over the course" in them.

The more telling number, however, is the 15.1 yards per catch Owens averaged over the course of the season. That's right in line with where he has been over the course of his career and should be the first statistic mentioned by any Owens supporter hoping to dispel the notion that he has lost a step.

Let's try again:

The more telling number, however, is the 15.1 yards per catch Owens averaged last season. That's in line with where he has been over the course of his career and should dispel the notion that he has lost a step.

HERE'S ANOTHER: When I’m not covering the Miami Dolphins, or spending time with my family, I’m submerged in hip-hop music, and it’s culture.

The first part of that sentence is fine. The last part of that can be changed to I'm submerged in hip-hop music and its culture.

But hip-hop music isn't what I'd call culture.

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