Sunday, April 3, 2016

He goes on to say

FOUND ONLINE: ... he was talking about being able to phone it in for fall sorts of things. He goes on to say that one day, brain surgeons in Edinburgh could be performing on patients in New Zealand.

The first part of this is the end of a run-on sentence. I assume the writer meant all sorts, not fall sorts.

I'll rewrite the beginning of the second sentence.

... he was talking about being able to phone it in for all sorts of things. He adds that, one day, brain surgeons in Edinburgh could work on patients in New Zealand.

I found one article that was such a mess that I didn't even try to help it here. The first sentence couldn't make sense UNLESS YOU GOT RID OF THE FIRST WORD! And that was just a guess on my part.

Apparently there was no editor for this web site.

FROM THE SAME WEB SITE: Ocean acidification, another horrible side effect of humanity’s fossil fuel addiction, treatens the survival of shell-forming sea life, and could destroy food webs dissastrously and irrepairably.

Spellcheck doesn't like acidification, treatens, dissastrously and irrepairably. We can't fix acidification, but the others can be repaired.

Ocean acidification, another horrible side effect of humanity’s fossil fuel addiction, threatens the survival of shell-forming sea life, and could destroy food webs disastrously and irreparably.

Actually, I'm not sure you even need disastrously and irreparably. If the food webs are destroyed, that's enough.


Anecdotes by Tom Gillispie

Entries from The Dog Blog

Blog entries from The Auto Racing Journal
(a book of great stories about the Intimidator)
(the book of great NASCAR stories)

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