Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A different way...

A WIRE SERVICE USED an unusual method of attribution on an Olympic skiing story. The writer quoted Lindsey Vonn's husband/coach/adviser in one paragraph, then gave his name in the next graph.
"She had the weight of the world on her," said Vonn's husband and chief adviser, a former U.S. skier who also serves as a personal coach. "People were basically hanging the medal around her neck before the start. That's incredibly hard to deal with."
Thomas Vonn was up at the start before his wife's run to calm her down, and the Vonns embraced in a hug that lasted for 30 seconds when they reunited at the finish.
 I've been reading for 50-some years and editing for more than 30, and I don't remember seeing this method before. Maybe I just have a bad memory... I like it, though.

(I wonder how he got to the bottom of the ski run.)

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