Friday, July 16, 2010

Misuse of words

I JUST CAME ACROSS another web site about misused words, and I really agree with the writer on the use of less and fewer. You can use less gasoline, and you can use fewer gallons of gas. You can't use less gallons of gas, but people say that all the time.

Here's another site that offers the differences between words. And there are tons of words here. There appears to be a lot of other stuff on the site as well. also has a nice section on misused words.

One word that bothers me is brilliant. On ESPN, they say that the infielder made a brilliant play at shortstop. I'd used "outstanding" or "superb" rather than "brilliant." Albert Einstein was brilliant, but he probably couldn't have fielded a grounder.

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the sites. I have a blog that looks at the use, misuse and humor in words too.
