Thursday, August 18, 2016

I hate very

FOUND ONLINE: She seems very likely to serve personally in a very senior staff role in a Clinton administration, so she’s a natural pick for an important transition job.

I hate very, and there two too many uses of very here. If you take out both words, the meaning is pretty much the same. A senior staff role and a very senior staff role: What's the difference? And do you need the word personally?

She seems likely to serve in a senior staff role in a Clinton administration, so she’s a natural pick for an important transition job.

MORE VERY: Arthritis is very common; however there may be more serious causes for difficulty and lack of movement.

Again, very isn't necessary. Arthritis is common works just fine.

ANOTHER PROBLEM: As chief executive of the Trump campaign, Bannon, it's fair to assume, will have free reign to shape the message that the Trump campaign projects.

I've said this before (and I'm sure I'll say it again); it's free rein, not free reign. It's like a horse's reins.

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