Sunday, March 21, 2010

Headline comment...

HERE'S A COMMENT to my recent blog on headline writing (the writer is Karen Emanuelson):

KarenEman said... 
Tom. Thanks for sharing. It is tempting some times to write tacky headlines. I often write them in my mind and don't dare type them, in case they mistakenly made it into print! After reading your post, I reviewed a few past issues of the "North Oaks News." Headlines I've written and run include: "Forging into the past" over a photo of a blacksmith "West improves East" -- an Eagle Scout with the last name of West who planted gardens at the City's East Rec Center "Canoe storage racks Board" -- homeowners' association board trying to decide if they needed more canoe racks "Size matters" -- story about the need to use larger letters for readability of signs on roadside bulletin boards Never heard any reaction from the public, but they were enjoyed in the press room! Karen

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